Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Affordable housing in California

Finding affordable housing in California can be a nightmare. The only places where affordable housing California is guaranteed are places where no one wants to live. Even in the middle of the desert, California housing is less affordable than in many places. It is sad to say, but for a lot of the people who grow up in California, home ownership is a dream that will never come true. Affordable housing California is simply too rare of a find.

Of course, there is affordable housing help for some of the poorest of the poor, but it does not amount to all that much. On the contrary, living in the projects in California is no picnic. Unfortunately, this is some of the only affordable housing California has to offer. I grew up in the San Francisco bay, so I know what I am talking about. I looked far and wide for affordable housing in California, but it took me years to even be able to afford a down payment on a place of my own. When I finally did get the money together, it was for a house that was far from where I worked. That means that, for the rest of my life, I will have to spend 2 hours a day commuting to and from the office. California affordable housing is simply not worth this expensive waste of time and gas money!

Of course, if you are willing to make some sacrifices, there are some affordable housing California options available. A friend of mine wanted to live in a California beach house, and was willing to make this the center of his life. He found some of the the only affordable housing California can provide: he moved in with some roommates at the beach house.

This helped a little bit, but it did not really solve his problems. He has to live in a ramshackle, run-down place because there is no where else where he can find affordable housing California available. You should see his house. It really is a big mess. Not only are all of the walls sagging, but I think that there is a mold infestation in the ceiling. No one should have to live in a place like that just to be able to have affordable housing California. It really is not a safe or healthy place to be. He could do a lot better if he moved.

Affordable apartments

Everyone should have the luxury of their own abode, no matter how humble. Every now and then, we're presented with decisions that force us to move. New family situations, a new job, or perhaps just a better location. Maybe your rent suddenly went up, and you need to find a new place, fast. Luckily, affordable apartments are more plentiful than you might expect. You just need to know where to look.

You might want to move to New York City, Miami, or Hollywood, but think that doing so would be much too costly or just a crazy dream. The truth is, you can find affordable apartments in a good neighborhood in any major U.S. city. Don't expect to find a luxury apartment. However, you can expect reasonably nice apartments. The trade off is usually in space. You may find a terrific studio at a great price. The larger two bedroom affordable apartments may not be half so nice as the studio. If you have the flexibility or are looking for a transition to your new city, sublets can offer the advantages of affordable apartments and a smooth transition as you scope out your new territory.

Studio apartments are popular among artists today, offering affordability and enough work space. If you choose a studio in an artists' neighborhood, you're likely to have lots of interesting people as neighbors. Musicians and artists are often friendly and genial, enjoying talk and new like-minded friends.

For example, let's say you want to move to Hollywood and pursue your dreams. Look for a good West Hollywood district and search out the affordable apartments in the classifieds, or look online at craigslist.org. If you're diligent in your search, it won't be long before you find that perfect large studio for $700. Again,if you're new to the area, a sublet can offer the perfect transition.

As realtors are fond of saying, “location ...”. It's true. Look for the location that suits your taste. If you're looking for a retirement spot, look in the suburbs. If you're young and looking for excitement, get close to downtown, the hot spots and night life, museums and theatre. Finding affordable apartments in good neighborhoods is always possible. Simply adjust your square foot requirements as necessary.

In your search for affordable apartments, consider hotel apartments. In many large cities, renovated hotels turned into apartments is almost a cottage industry and especially popular with artists. That old hotel, catering to celebrities way back in the 1930's is an interesting choice in affordable apartments. The new owner converts the original hotel rooms into affordable apartments, small but beautiful, retaining the original architecture, furnishings and decor.

No matter where you're looking, keep location in mind. The landlord in a nice neighborhood is likely to take good care of his property. In any case, before signing the lease and plunking down your money,
talk to some of the area residents to determine the long term quality of your new affordable apartment!